Net Zero Working Group

We are working on a general plan of moving the JCR to Net Zero. We try to apply established best practices as much as possible. For an idea of what these are please see here. Currently there are various motions we are supporting, listed below, with drafts attached. Please join the relevant matrix room and give any suggestions, comments or feedback. They are not listed in any order but impacts are intended to work together to provide a unifying basis for net zero. Large chunks should be passable constitutionally separately though.

Net Zero Pledge

Constitutionally pledge the JCR to reach Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040 at the latest, with an interim target to achieve by 2030 of a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to the academic year 2020.

Climate Action Subcommittee

The creation of an advisory body to discuss matters relating to the JCRs environmental performance. Designed to liase with college.

Transition Plan

By the start of October 2024, disclose a Net Zero Plan, which outlines how the targets
will be achieved. Revised every year. 

E&E Officer/s Responsibilities Update

Updated standing orders to reflect name change.

Green alignment

Immediately align support to organizations with the goal of reaching Net Zero by 2050. Specifically this means endorsement via JCR Standing Policy, monetary support, and use of JCR property and resources will be withdrawn from events, projects and activities if it is deemed there is insufficient commitment to the goal of Net Zero by 2050. 

JCR Green Fund

JCR money set aside for events, projects and activities that contribute to the transition to Net Zero. Allocated via applications to To prevent the built up of unused money the Green Fund will every term spend left over money on High Quality Carbon Credits. This goes directly to offsetting emissions of the JCR and supports charitable cases whilst not counting as charity donations.

Environmental Impact Assessments

All events or projects wishing for any support (use of JCR property or income) from
the JCR must submit an environmental impact assessment. This is to include every
event running on JCR property, or any event or projects partly or wholly funded by JCR
money. In particular most motions submitted to a GM will now need to have an approved
environmental impact assessment if they wish to be successful. Naturally if events or projects
run on a recurring basis or a sufficiently similar to previously run events then they shall be

JCR Carbon Tax

All events or projects supported by the JCR must either contribute a sum equivalent
to 10% of the JCR’s expenditure on the event or projects in question to the JCR
Green Fund or calculate their CO2 emissions and contribute £150 per tonne of CO2
or equivalent greenhouse gas emitted. Essentially a Carbon Tax so that events and
projects have incentives to reduce their emissions. (£150 has been chosen as a rough average
of the true cost of removing 1 tonne of CO2 from our atmosphere. 10p has been chosen as a
rough estimate of the upper quartile of cost to remove the CO2 per pound spent on an event
or project.